Wordpress offers tons of plugins which confuses the new user. Not just that but there are multiple plugins that serves the same purpose and have the same functions. Which one do you need to get the upper edge, we will cover it in this article. We are only mentioning the plugins that you need to start off your blog, so custom plugins will not be listed in this article, but you may find it being reviewed in our Plugins Category.
Wordpress itself is a strong script, but it is the plugin that makes wordpress the best. How can you get them? You need to visit the Plugins Directory at Wordpress. With the new version of Wordpress 2.7.1 and above are offering plugin installation from the wordpress admin panel.
To install manually, you need to upload the folder into /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Then visit your wp-admin panel and click on the tab of plugins and activate it.
To do it automatically, wordpress has eased the process for you. Simply visit the sidebar and click on the plugin tab. Click on the Add New tab in the list. And search for a plugin and the installation is one click away.
Best Wordpress Plugins for Beginners
Akismet – comes installed with your wordpress by default. All you have to do is get an API Key to activate it. It prevents your blog from comment spam.
All-in-One SEO – This is an ultimate necessity for your blog if you want to have any chance of ranking high in search engines. All-in-One-SEO Pack allows you to add unique meta description, keywords, and titles to each page of your blog and blog posts.
cForm II – When running a blog you need to allow your users to contact you. This is the best contact form plugin till this date. It makes everything easy.
OIO Publisher – If you are thinking about installing ads on your wordpress blog. This is the best plugin that does that. It automates the process of buying from your user to publishing the ads on your website. The best plugin of its kind.
WP Super Cache – This plugin makes a copy of your web page on the server and by doing so it increases the page load time and reduces the resource consumption. It is essential that you have this plugin just incase if your site hits the Front Page of a social media network such as digg or stumbleupon, without this plugin, your server will most likely crash.
Wordpress Database Backup – This plugin lets you make backup for your blog as often as you need. You can set this process to be automated and have it deliver to your email or a safe spot in your webhost. By having this plugin, you can always stay on the safe side because if anything goes wrong, you have the latest backup in your possession.
Subscribe to Comments – A plugin that allows your users to subscribe to the comments, so they will be notified when the next comment is posted. It helps your user to stay updated with the discussion and keep the activity going on your blog.
Feedburner Feedsmith – When creating your wordpress blog an essential part is having RSS Feed subscribers, and the most important of having subscribers is to be able to track them and keep the count. Which is when the service of feedburner came in play. This plugin converts all of your RSS Feeds, to your custom feedburner feeds, so all of your subscribers are subscribed to one feed therefore you get the most accurate count of your subscribers.
Comment Relish – Comment Relish plugin lets you send out email to your new commentators and welcome them/thank them. This is a great way to initiate the process of interaction. Keep the message short and sweet. Tag with it some resources that might be helpful to your users. Often times marketers attach freebies and other products which makes the new visitor, a loyal user to your website.
We recommend these plugins for any new blog or existing blog. There are more plugins that would need to be added based on the niche and your needs. But for any generic blog, this should be a good list to start with.
When you have us install the wordpress blog for you, we will also install some of these plugins and some extra ones depending your niche to give you an upper edge.
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